Creating a FlexList

  1. Click on the FlexList page from the navigation on the left
  2. Click the blue "Add a Flexlist" button
    creating a new flexlist
  3. Fill out the details associated with your new FlexList, including:
    • Category: If a category is selected, any component that is assigned to that category will be automatically included in the FlexList unless the "Show in FlexList" is turned off for that component.
    • Name
    • Headline
    • Description
    • Template: Use "FlexList Default" as the main template and reference your site-specific documentation for when to use any additional templates provided.
  4. Click "Save" when you are finished.

Adding components to a FlexList

  1. View your FlexList in the list view and click the pencil icon/"Edit" link to begin editing. 
  2. Next, click the blue "Add a FlexList Item" button. (If you are on a FlexList with a specified category, you will only be able to add a new component and will see a "create component" button instead.)
  3. You can choose to add a FreeForm item, an existing component, or a new component.
    • ??FreeForm items include a label and content area and are exclusive to the FlexList they are added to.
      adding flexlist item
    • If you choose to add an existing component, assign a Label and select the desired content component from the dropdown list.
      attaching an existing component to a FlexList
    • If you choose to add a new component, assign a Label and then fill out the fields to set up your content component.
      attaching a new component to a FlexList
  4. Click "Save" when complete.