Adding a Directory Listing

  1. Go to the Directory section and click the "Add a Listing" button, or jump straight to the "Add a Listing" page from the navigation.
  2. Fill out all relevant listing details.
  3. Click the "Save" button when you're finished to publish your listing.

Adding or Removing a Specialty

You can add and remove specialties when adding or editing a directory listing.

  • To edit specialties, click on the "Specialties" link in the left-side navigation under the Directory section.
  • To add a specialty, click the "Add a Specialty" in the top right corner.
    Directory specialties
  • To remove a specialty, locate the specialty in the list and click the Trash icon.

Editing a Directory Listing

To edit a listing, go the Directory section and click the "Edit" link next to the name of the listing you wish to edit. Adjust the listing details as needed and click the "Save" button.